
Madness: A new UK power plant running of US woodchips?

So I start writing this sat in the library during the easter hols (It's lovely and quiet in here!). The revival of my e-soapbox comes from an article I unearthed whilst researching my dissertation, and the explanation of the new power plant being built in Wales. I'll leave you to read my comment attached to the bottom of the article (assuming it is passed by site moderators; they may not like my views!)

An analogy to carbon neutrality:

If I said I ate beefburgers to reduce the number of cattle producing methane (IIRC 27 x the greenhouse of CO2) and so reduce "climate change" (read: man's impact on atmospheric chemistry) then you'd say:
"Tim, you're a bit stupid: by purchasing such tasty food you are stimulating the industry to continue production at current levels."
Produced meat is inherently carbon positive, as is all human activity beyond foraging and living off the land. So a carbon neutral powerplant is ficticious from the start*, and "carbon neutral" is a con (a good and necessary one though).
So onto the extension of my little rant on the website:

3M tonnes of wood from abroad?! How is that carbon neutral? A felled tree that is burned, and an identically sized tree allowed to grow in its place is carbon neutral over the growing period of the wood...
Transporting this 3M tonnes (the UK could supply 1M tonnes per year from logging residues alone) of fuel across 3000 miles of ocean when there's the annual 27 million tonnes of landfill we produce sitting just down the road, and this waste already has transport infrastructure for it.

If used as fuel our landfill waste is roughly a realistic potential 2.7% of the UK total energy demand. That's FROM WASTE. You'll need 3 of these Port talbot sized plants to burn it all, the fuel is free, and you solve the landfill problem aswell. The emissions are the same as a normal power plant by the time the gas leaves the chimney, so why not?
Additionally the new plant has an electrical efficiency of 23%... 30% should be comfortably achieveable at this scale; what the hell are Prenergy Power Ltd doing with it?

Thanks for reading! Comments appreciated
Next post - microgeneration and why (I think) its awesome.

* unless you produce fusion reactors fuelled by carbon that can fuse enough carbon to offset its initial build, etc... but that's just silly. Awesome, but silly.

(links later, googling works though ;D )

Energy from waste
Energy content of landfill waste = 11GJ/tonne
Assumed 50% landfill not suitable (metal, fast decomposition, liquids, non-combustible)
Assumed 25% efficiency of plants (close to that of the new one)
3.375x10^6 *11x10^9 = 37.125x10^15 J
37.125x10^15 /(seconds in an hour x1000) = 10x10^9 kWh annually(10 thousand million units of electricity)
total uk annual consumption = 3.6x10^11 =360x10^9 kWh
(10x10^9)/(360x10^9) = 2.7% (ish) of the nations power from waste.

number of port talbots to deal with waste
27/2 M tonnes/3m Tonnes = 3ish

New plant efficiency
energy content of wood = 16GJ/tonne
3x10^6 * 16 x 10^9 = 48x10^15 J
(48x10^15)/(seconds in a year) = 1.52x10^9 Watts (total energy put into plant in form of wood)
output/input = efficiency
(350x10^6)/(1.52x10^9) = 23% ish

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