
News just in: Design module not waste of time

So much for writing this on the train! Today was based around the snooze button and idle chatter rather than rigorous cleaning and a tight schedule.

Results wise, year 2 of MEng Environmental engineering went something like this: "57%".
However, Stats went like this: "37%", and it was only because Design 2; the monstrous 1.7kg report, 350 sides of hard graft, 7 lots of nice binding, did this "78%" that I'm still in for the full 4 years. Respect to the rest of the group!

The prospect of resitting a module for the sake of the 3% I could gain seems a bit daft, but Uni policy stands, and I would kinda like my degree, even if i do have to take time out over summer to resit. However, being able to ace it on the second time would at least make me feel better about my somewhat erratic maths performance.

Onwards to other things, and XSS took a step closer to clubdom in that next year's treasurer (Tom) and I sorted out some details for the club account, to be established over summer when we're both in Southampton. XSS does however need some explaining, and I shall do this in a totally different post, maybe even a different blog; I'll link it later once I've done it (possibly tomorrow(today) ).

Link of the day is to this amazing t-shirt website that is just freaking sweet. Enjoi!

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